This month, the Argentine Mafalda celebrates her 50th birthday. Even after so many years she still looks like a 6 year old child. No, Mafalda is not a person with some rare genetic disease, she is a cartoon character. Born and raised in Buenos Aires, […]
As you might have noticed, Argentina has an enormous selection of cookies, sweets, cakes and desserts. To give you an overview of the best sweet treats to try, we created a top 5: Dulce de Leche Dulce de Leche literally means “candy of milk.” This […]
“Argentina is very famous for his amazing meat.” That was about all I knew about Argentine food when I arrived to Buenos Aires for my Spanish course. But while learning Spanish in Buenos Aires with homestay, I learnt much about Argentina cuisine. To start with, […]
Argentine Spanish and 7 typical Argentine words As I studied Spanish in Spain for almost a year before my stay in Buenos Aires, I speak Spanish with a “Spanish” accent. When choosing where to do my internship, I chose Argentina. I had always been curious […]
Cultural inmersion & Spanish classes in Peru: all about Potatoes Scientist believe the potato began it’s career in food culture between 2000 and 3000 BC and continues today with many different colors, flavors, sizes and textures. Scientists also think all potatoes have originated from the […]
Some may think football (soccer) is a sport, but for the residents of Buenos Aires (Argentina), it is so much more than just a sport: it’s more of a religion! Coming from a different country and just having arrived to Buenos Aires to start my […]