Spanish School Peru: AMAUTA

Cultural inmersion & Spanish classes in Peru: all about Potatoes

Monday October 21, 2013 - Posted by to Latin American Culture & Food
Potatoes Cusco Peru

Cultural inmersion & Spanish classes in Peru: all about Potatoes

Scientist believe the potato began it’s career in food culture between 2000 and 3000 BC and continues today with many different colors, flavors, sizes and textures. Scientists also think all potatoes have originated from the Andes in Peru; well over 100 cultivators can be found in just one valley. Some of the oldest archeological finds were located around Lake Titicaca.

The Papa Perricholi (white potato) is now one of the more popular potatoes sold in Peruvian markets. As this particular potato doesn’t turn brown after peeling, it’s ideal uses are for commercial kitchens and restaurants. If you choose Peru for your Spanish immersion program, you’ll learn more about and try lovely recipes based on the Peruvian potato.


cultural immersion


In Peru the potatos is a staple food. With so many varieties, some potatoes have been used for haute cuisine. They are used often for eating, but also ceremonial uses such as weddings, baptisms and funerals as well. Some are even made into what’s known as potato alcohol.


Visit the Potato Park in Cusco

One of the weekend trips for Spanish students in Cusco is a trip to the Potatoe Park. The  trip to the Peruvian Potato Park is a full day trip. The park is located about 2 hours drive from Cusco and it is made up of 6 different Quechua communities and covers much land. This organization is dedicated to the conservation of all different kinds of potatoes; especially the more traditional kinds which aren’t cultivated as much in today’s market. In this park – located in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, next to Pisac – one can meet with farmers, cooks and also enjoy the food in the restaurat on site, called “Papamanka” which overlooks this massive park.

Cooking with Peruvian potatoes

If you’d like to try out your own Peruvian potato recipe at home, here’s something you might enjoy!  A well know dish from the Peruvian cuisine is Papa Rellena (Stuffed potato). It is one of the dishees that our Spanish in Cusco prepare during the Free Peruvian cooking classes.


Cooking potatoes

Peruvian dish: Papa a la Huacaina

Recipe Papa Rellena (stuffed potato)


2.2 lbs Papa Perricholi, Salt, Pepper, Flour, 4 eggs (1 fresh, 3 hard boiled) 6 tablespoons oil, 1/2 lb ground beef, 1 cup chopped onion, 1 garlic clove minced, 1 teaspoon paprika, 6 seedless olives (cut in 1/4th), 1/2 diced tomatoes, 1 teaspoon minced parsley and 1 teaspoon minced cilantro

How to prepare Papa Rellana:

  1. Wash Potatoes. Boil in water until soft; peel. Then either grate or mash potatoes and add 1 fresh egg, mix well.
  2. Put 2-3 tablespoons in a skillet w/ onions and garlic and cook until golden.
  3. Add ground beef. The add tomato (cook about 5 minutes) Add the parsley, cilantro, olives and eggs. Season with all spices.
  4. Flour your hands and flatten about 1/2 cup Potato in your hand, place filling in the center and fold to close. make sure you keep your Rellena in an oval shape.
  5. Heat oil in a skillet and fry until it’s golden.



Papa rellena Cuzco

Peruvian Papa Rellena


This dish is typically served with white rice and Peruvian “aji”: an onion creole sauce when you eat it is a restaurant. However, Papa rellena is also sold on the streets and it’s a popular Peruvian Streetfood.


If you are interested in knowing more about the booming Peruvian cuisine, next to free cooking classes, AMAUTA also offers the program Spanish classes & Peruvian Cuisine, which combines your Spanish classes with a unique and delicious cooking experience.

!Buen Provecho!


For questions, feel free to contact the staff at our Spanish school in Cusco


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