Spanish School Peru: AMAUTA

What you did not know about Celebrating Christmas in Buenos Aires

Saturday December 19, 2015 - Posted by to Spanish Schools in Latin America
What you did not know about Celebrating Christmas in Buenos Aires

In the southern hemisphere, Christmas falls in the summer, so traditions as real pine trees, telling stories around the fire or playing in the snow do not translate temperature wise.

For most of our Spanish students, it will be quite a different Christmas this year, when they are now learning Spanish in Buenos Aires. Christmas is here is a mash up of the European traditions and summertime partying with friends and family.

Christmas in Argentina, as in other Latin American countries,  starts with Fiesta de la Virgen (a Catholic holiday revering Mary) on the 8th of December. On this day most Argentine families put out the Christmas decorations and Christmas trees.

Christmas in Buenos Aires


In Argentina, unlike in many other Latin American countries, the children actually do believe in Papá Noel (Santa Claus).

Often, the entire family will come together on Nochebuena (Christmas’ Eve) and celebrate together.

At midnight, there is a toast, people say “Merry Christmas” and the gifts are opened.

Families with older children or no children at all usually exchange one gift with each family member.

Purchasing a gift for friends is optional, but bringing a bottle of wine or food to share is a common courtesy. Some groups of friends play

‘amigo secreto’ where everyone buys a gift for one particular person.


Christmas in Buenos Aires


When midnight strikes, everyone toasts, congratulates each other and the skies will be lit with fireworks. Christmas’ Eve parties go on until at least 03.00, clubs and bars start to open around 03.00 for after-parties.

On Christmas Day in Argentinam , families and friends will visit each other, while some other might stay in bed to recover from the night before. most people eat left-over from Xmas Eve.

El Día de los Reyes Magos (or the Day of Kings) on the 6th of January marks the end for the Christmas season.

During the holiday season, you will see a lot of advertisements for Pan Dulce.

Pan dulce is special bread that is eaten around Christmas. It is sweet and stuffed with dried fruit, nuts or even with chocolate.


Read more about

Christmas in Latin America

Christmas in Cusco, Peru



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