Spanish School Peru: AMAUTA

Spanish Lessons in a Historic Building in Buenos Aires

Thursday November 19, 2015 - Posted by to Spanish Schools in Latin America
Spaanse lessen in een nationaal historisch monument

Spanish lessons in a Historic Building in Buenos Aires

AMAUTA Spanish School does not only belong to the most popular and professional Spanish Schools in Buenos Aires, preferred by many to study Spanish in Buenos Aires.

We also pride ourselves of our top location right in the city centre of the Argentina capital: you can find our Spanish school in the beatiful “Palacio Barolo”, or Barolo Palace at the Av de Mayo.

Barolo Palace is a national historic building in Buenos Aires; upon completion in 1923 it was highest building of South-America.

Spanish Lessons in Buenos Aires


Barolo Palace

Imaginative Italian architect Mario Palanti, was commissioned to build the palace by Italian magnate Luis Barolo, who earned his fortune by the trade of fabrics.

Palanti was a big fan of Dante, the writer of one of the greatest Italian literary works ever written, the Divine Comedy. And so Palanti designed the palace to pay tribute to Dante’s Divine Comedy.

It’s a privilege to study Spanish in Argentina at such an amazing location in downtown Buenos Aires!


Tribute to Dante’s Divine Comedy

The Barolo Palace is exactly 100 meters tall, 1 meter for each canto in the poem. The basement and the ground floor visualise Hell, floor 1 to 14 represent Purgatory and floor 15 to 22 represent Heaven. There is a lighthouse on top of the building, which can be seen from Montevideo, Uruguay!


Spanish Lessons in Buenos Aires


The 22 floors equal the number of stanzas of the poem’s verses. Each floor is also split into 22 offices. As in la Divina Comedia, the number 9 also comes back in the building’s plans. There are nine entries to the building, which represent the nine hierarchies of Hell. The nine arches in the hall represent Hell’s nine circles.

The palace was officially opened on Dante’s birthday. There are Latin inscription throughout the entire building that pay further tribute to the poet.

The building was declared an Argentine national historic monument in 1997.


Spanish Lessons in Buenos Aires


Palacio Salvo, Montevideo

Palacio Barolo has a twin brother in Montevideo, Uruguay, called Palacio Salvo, which is also designed by Palanti.

All visitors can get a tour through the building every day of the week. During the tour you will be able to go to the top floor for a panoramic view of Buenos Aires.
For more information visit .There are day tours as well as nightstours; the night tours include wine tasting, tango dancing and others. It’s recommended the tours in advance.

If you want to study Spanish in Buenos Aires, you are welcome to visit us at:
Barolo Palace
Av de Mayo 1370
Floor 3, office 10.

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