Spanish School Peru: AMAUTA

Spanish School Peru: AMAUTA

Spanish School AMAUTA in Cusco, Peru is the best place to learn Spanish in Peru. We provide in-depth Spanish lessons in Cusco with a full cultural immersion experience. Step outside of the Spanish classroom to live the Peruvian life and culture and explore Peru.

During or after your Spanish lessons in Cusco, you can volunteer in Peru: make new friends, improve your Spanish and give back to the amazing Peruvian community.

We keep you posted about what’s going on at our Spanish School in Peru and provide you with tips to learn Spanish, how to make most out of your Spanish classes in Cusco, how to prepare for your trip to Peru, Peruvian cuisine or festivals, what to do in Cusco, and much more.


Vrijwilligers in Cusco aanwezig bij een jubileum viering in een Peruaanse school

Amauta Spanish School en haar vrijwilligers kregen de kans om deel te nemen aan de jubileum viering van een van onze vrijwilligers projecten in Cusco. Het was een groots event met typische dansen, heerlijk Peruaans eten en fantastische mensen. De Amauta vrijwilligers werden als vip […]


Volunteers in Cusco at anniversary celebration at Peruvian school

AMAUTA Spanish School and its volunteers in Peru had the opportunity to take part in an anniversary celebration with one of our volunteer projects in Cusco. It was a big event with lots of typical dance, great Peruvian food, and wonderful people. The AMAUTA volunteers […]


Volunteers do great job teaching about health in Cusco

Last month at AMAUTA Spanish School in Peru, some great work has been done by a group of volunteers from the Rice University in the States. While all of the students were living in our student residence at the Calle Suecia and eating lunch at […]


Great trip for students: visit the Perito Moreno Glacier in El Calafate

After hearing many enthusiastic stories about the extraordinary natural phenomenon of Perito Moreno, me and Vincent, both doing our internship at AMAUTA Spanish School Buenos Aires, decided to travel to the south of Argentina , to El Calafate. This cute little town is home to […]


What’s next: The Festival of the Virgen del Carmen in Paucartambo

There have already been so many amazing and colorful celebrations in Cusco during the month of June, like for instance Inti Raymi. But we are not ready yet with the upcoming Festival in the Andean Village of Paucartambo: the Virgen del Carmen. For Spanish students, […]


Mooie video testimonial van een Spaanse student op AMAUTA Cusco

Kijk naar deze video testimonial om de ervaring te zien van Caroline, een ex-Spaanse student en vrijwilliger van AMAUTA Spanish school hier in Cusco, Peru. Caroline was drie maanden in Peru en ze vond het geweldig. In de video kun je naar Peruaanse gastgezin ontmoeten, […]


Beautiful Video Testimonial from Spanish student in Cusco

Watch this video testimonial to learn about the experience of Caroline, a past Spanish student and volunteer at AMAUTA Spanish School here in Cusco, Peru. Caroline spent three months in Peru and she loved it. On the video, you have the opportunity to meet her […]


Experimentar Semana Santa en Cusco, Perú

Aquí, en la Escuela de Español AMAUTA en Cusco nuestros estudiantes y voluntarios están a punto de experimentar la Pascua en una forma totalmente nueva . ” La Semana Santa ” se está acercando rápidamente y se hace evidente el creciente entusiasmo de los lugareños […]


Experiencing Semana Santa in Cusco, Peru

Experiencing Semana Santa in Cusco, Peru   At AMAUTA Spanish School in Cusco our Spanish students in Peru are about to experience Easter or Holy Week in a whole new way. “Semana Santa” is approaching quickly and it is made obvious by the growing excitement of […]


Funny things happen in Buenos Aires

When you are studying Spanish in Buenos Aires, Argentina, you are sure to have some experiences that are new and funny to you. Here is a brief summary of some of the most common ones that I’ve noticed when I started my internship here in […]