Spanish School Peru: AMAUTA

Spanish School Peru: AMAUTA

Spanish School AMAUTA in Cusco, Peru is the best place to learn Spanish in Peru. We provide in-depth Spanish lessons in Cusco with a full cultural immersion experience. Step outside of the Spanish classroom to live the Peruvian life and culture and explore Peru.

During or after your Spanish lessons in Cusco, you can volunteer in Peru: make new friends, improve your Spanish and give back to the amazing Peruvian community.

We keep you posted about what’s going on at our Spanish School in Peru and provide you with tips to learn Spanish, how to make most out of your Spanish classes in Cusco, how to prepare for your trip to Peru, Peruvian cuisine or festivals, what to do in Cusco, and much more.


De mysterieuze weg naar Cerro Fitz Roy

Ze noemen het een van de meest moeilijke bergen om te beklimmen door zijn mes-vormige vorm, maar het wandelen rondom deze berg in Zuid Argentinië is zeker het geld waard. ‘Cerro Fitz Roy’ (genoemd naar de kapitein van “HMS The Beagle”) of ook wel genaamd […]


The mysterious way to the Cerro Fitz Roy

They call it one of the most difficult mountains to climb, because of its knife-shaped form, but hiking around this beautiful mountain in southern Argentina is really value for money. ‘Cerro Fitz Roy’ (named after the captain of “HMS The Beagle”) or also named ‘Cerro […]


Un gran viaje: visitar el Glaciar Perito Moreno en El Calafate

Después de escuchar muchas historias fantásticas sobre el fenómeno natural de Perito Moreno, Vicente y yo, ambos actuales practicantes de la Escuela de Español AMAUTA Buenos Aires, decidímos viajar al sur de Argentina, a El Calafate. Este lindo pueblo es el hogar de uno de […]


Great trip for students: visit the Perito Moreno Glacier in El Calafate

After hearing many enthusiastic stories about the extraordinary natural phenomenon of Perito Moreno, me and Vincent, both doing our internship at AMAUTA Spanish School Buenos Aires, decided to travel to the south of Argentina , to El Calafate. This cute little town is home to […]


Five Tips for preparing your Trip to Argentina!

Five Tips for preparing your Trip to Argentina! Argentina is a fascinating destination to take a Spanish course. It’s a large and beautiful country; unique in many ways. If you are about to travel to Argentina for your study abroad trip, we have prepared this […]