Visitando Festival Andino más grande del Perú Qoyllur Rit’i: una experiencia única Los estudiantes de la Escuela de Español AMAUTA en Cusco, en Perú, están esperando con ansias experimentar uno de los festivales nativos más grandes de las Américas. Nos referimos al Qoyllur Rit’i o […]
Sobre deliciosos jugos de frutas peruanos Una de las cosas que nuestros estudiantes aman sobre Peru durante su tiempo aprendiendo español en Perú es la gran variedad de vegetales y frutas y la calidad de su comida en general. No cabe duda de eso, ya […]
Best places for Dinner in Cusco After four weeks of living in Cusco – I’m taking Spanish lessons in Peru here at the AMAUTA Spanish School – it becomes hard to find some new nice places to go to for dinner. In contrast, when you […]
Speed up your Spanish Conversations with locals in Peru Our Spanish teaches in Cusco made a list with words in Spanish with a double or even multiple meaning. Many people learning Spanish in Peru struggle with those words, especially in daily conversations. Multiple meaning words […]
8 Rare en grappige dingen die je tegenkomt in Peru Het kan handig zijn je een cultureel gezien een beetje flexibel op te stellen als je naar een nieuw land reist . Vooral als je er heen gaat met het idee om de Spaanse taal […]
Spanish Immersion in Peru: exploring Cusco Reflections on a Field Trip to the Almudena Cemetery with our Spanish Teacher A trip to a cemetery may not be everyone’s idea of an uplifting experience. I love cemeteries of all kinds, so when my the teacher of […]
Vrijwilligerswerk in Peru veranderde mijn leven! Wist je al dat AMAUTA Spanish school interessante plekken voor vrijwilligerswerk heeft voor studenten Spaans in Peru? Dit is een geweldige manier is om terug te geven aan de Peruaanse gemeenschap. Werken in Peru, in Cusco, geeft vrijwilligers de […]
What do our volunteers in Peru say about their experience? “Volunteering in Peru and learning Spanish at AMAUTA in Cusco was a great experience. There are lots of Spanish schools here in Cusco, that’s true. But no Spanish school in Cusco is like AMAUTA! The […]
Spanish Courses in Peru on Offer AMAUTA Spanish School in Cusco, Peru offers interactive Spanish programs in small groups. The AMAUTA professional teachers are all native Spanish speakers and will make sure you learn all about the beautiful Peruvian culture! The best thing: All Spanish […]
8 Weird and Funny Things Seen in Peru The idea of cultural relativism can be beneficial when traveling to a new country. Especially when you go with the goal of learning the Spanish language and be immersed in the local culture, being flexible is a […]