Spanish School Peru: AMAUTA

Spanish School Peru: AMAUTA

Spanish School AMAUTA in Cusco, Peru is the best place to learn Spanish in Peru. We provide in-depth Spanish lessons in Cusco with a full cultural immersion experience. Step outside of the Spanish classroom to live the Peruvian life and culture and explore Peru.

During or after your Spanish lessons in Cusco, you can volunteer in Peru: make new friends, improve your Spanish and give back to the amazing Peruvian community.

We keep you posted about what’s going on at our Spanish School in Peru and provide you with tips to learn Spanish, how to make most out of your Spanish classes in Cusco, how to prepare for your trip to Peru, Peruvian cuisine or festivals, what to do in Cusco, and much more.


Living at the AMAUTA Student Residence in Cusco

The AMAUTA residence is a fantastic place to live and explore the city while you’re studying Spanish with us in Cusco. Opened to suit the needs of our many students who prefer to live with other students rather than in a hostel or with a […]


Salsa Dancing in Peru!

Salsa dancing in Peru You cannot come to Cusco, Peru to learn Spanish and not dance salsa! Salsa dancing in Peru is amazing! But although salsa is a must, it may be best to take a couple of days of rest before dancing the night […]


Exploring Your Christmas Shopping Options in Cusco

Exploring Your Christmas Shopping Options in Cusco If you’re studying Spanish in Cusco (Peru) and decided to stay here for this upcoming Christmas, don’t feel glum about missing out on family traditions back home. Cusco offers an array of exciting new traditions to explore and […]


Vivir en la Residencia de Estudiantes AMAUTA en Cusco

La residencia AMAUTA es un lugar fantástico para vivir y explorar la ciudad mientras estudias español en Cusco. Muchos estudiantes prefieren vivir con otros estudiantes en vez de con una familia anfitriona, y para ellos los departamentos de nuestra residencia son perfectos para los que […]


Se acerca la Navidad …. a Cusco, Perú!

Participe de nuestro Curso Navideño en nuestra escuela de español AMAUTA! Este curso no sólo incluye clases de español, sino también actividades culturales, todo acerca de vivir la cultura peruana en la época de Navidad. Además de aprender español, tú experimentarás el momento especial de […]


Christmas is coming…. to Cusco, Peru!

Take part of our Christmas Spanish Course at AMAUTA Spanish School in Cusco! This course does not only include Spanish classes but also cultural activities, all about living the Peruvian culture in the Christmas period. Besides learning Spanish, you will experience  the special Christmas time […]


Después de 6 semanas de clases de español en Cusco

¡El tiempo vuela cuando te diviertes! Es cierto, seis semanas de clases de español en el Perú han pasado volando. A finales de julio llegué a Cusco por primera vez. Me quedé muy impresionada por las magníficas vistas, la altura y el número de personas […]


After 6 weeks of Spanish classes in Cusco

After 6 weeks of Spanish classes in Cusco Time flies when you are having fun! It’s true! Six weeks of Spanish classes in Peru have flown by.  At the end of July I arrived in Cusco for the first time. Impressed by the amazing views, […]


The Best Vegetarian Restaurants in Cusco, Peru!

Peruvian cuisine has a lot of delicious dishes and fortunately not all of them contain meat or fish. There are actually many really good vegetarian options with maiz like ‘pastel de choclo’, or tamales, yucca, sweet potatoes, tallarin al horno, starters with avocados, ‘sopa de […]


5 maneras de experimentar el verdadero Cusco, Perú

Cuando viajas a Cusco, Perú , es fácil ser absorbido por los sitios turísticos, restaurantes, tiendas y todos los lugares típicos para turistas. Sin embargo, si tienes como objetivo vivir una experiencia diferente en más contacto con los cusqueños , aquí te damos cinco consejos […]