Spanish School Peru: AMAUTA

Spanish School Peru: AMAUTA

Spanish School AMAUTA in Cusco, Peru is the best place to learn Spanish in Peru. We provide in-depth Spanish lessons in Cusco with a full cultural immersion experience. Step outside of the Spanish classroom to live the Peruvian life and culture and explore Peru.

During or after your Spanish lessons in Cusco, you can volunteer in Peru: make new friends, improve your Spanish and give back to the amazing Peruvian community.

We keep you posted about what’s going on at our Spanish School in Peru and provide you with tips to learn Spanish, how to make most out of your Spanish classes in Cusco, how to prepare for your trip to Peru, Peruvian cuisine or festivals, what to do in Cusco, and much more.


Een gids voor de leukste buurten van Buenos Aires

Een gids voor de leukste buurten van Buenos Aires Als je je reis naar Argentinië aan het plannen bent voor je Spaanse cursus in Buenos Aires, is een van de belangrijkste dingen die je moet regelen: je huisvesting. Natuurlijk heb je de mogelijkheid om bij […]


A Guide to the Nicest Neighborhoods in Buenos Aires

A Guide to the Nicest Neighborhoods in Buenos Aires If you are planning on coming to Argentina for a Spanish course in Buenos Aires, one of the most important things you have to arrange is housing. Of course you have the option to take a […]


Top 5 Museums in Buenos Aires

Top 5 Museums in Buenos Aires. Most of our Spanish students in Argentina enjoy the cultural ambience of Buenos Aires. The Argentine capital, an excellent destination for a Spanish course in Argentina, is full of festivals, theatre, music, dance, concerts and so on. There is […]


Winkelen in Buenos Aires: de beste winkel tips

Buenos Aires is een stukje hemel voor degene die van winkelen houden. Je kan winkelen tot je er bij neer valt in de hoofdstad van Argentinië dat duizenden winkels tot haar beschikking heeft. Sommige prijzen zijn vergelijkbaar met Europa of de VS maar andere zijn […]


Compras en Buenos Aires: los mejores consejos de compras

Buenos Aires es un pequeño pedazo de cielo para los que aman comprar. Tú puedes comprar hasta el cansancio en la capital argentina que cuenta con miles de tiendas a tu disposición. Algunos precios se comparan con los de Europa o EE.UU, pero otros son […]


Shopping in Buenos Aires: the best shopping tips

Buenos Aires is a small piece of heaven for those who love to shop. You can shop till you drop in the Argentine capital that has thousands of stores at your disposal.  Some prices compare with those in Europe or USA but others are definitely […]


Como usar el transporte público en Buenos Aires

Antes de llegar a Buenos Aires, es posible que ni siquiera se te hayas dado cuenta de lo grande que es en realidad. Así que aquí te daremos una mano con: nuestra ¡guía de transporte público actualizada! Nuestro primer consejo para todos los estudiantes en […]


How to Use Public Transportation in Buenos Aires

How to Use Public Transportation in Buenos Aires Before arriving to Buenos Aires for your Spanish course in Argentina, you might not even have realized how BIG Buenos Aires actually is. So here we come with a helping hand: our updated public transportation guide! Our […]