Young Volunteers Make a Big Impact in Cusco AMAUTA Spanish School in Cusco recently received a small group of 10 volunteers in Peru between the ages of 18 and 29 from Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom. They have been travelling throughout South […]
Als verantwoordelijke van het AMAUTA vrijwilligersprogramma, bezoekt onze vrijwilligers coordinator de projecten met wie we werken op regelmatige basis. Dit is te kijken of alle AMAUTA vrijwilligers het naar hun zin hebben en of alles goed verloopt in verschillende projecten, en om op de hoogte […]
Al estar a cargo del Programa de Voluntariado AMAUTA, nuestra coordinadora de voluntarios visita regularmente los proyectos con los que trabajamos. Esto para garantizar y evaluar la participación de los voluntarios de AMAUTA en los diferentes proyectos y para mantenerse al día con los avances […]
Being in charge of the AMAUTA Volunteer Program, our volunteer coordinator visits the projects we work with on a regular base. This to ensure the evaluate the participation of the AMAUTA volunteers in the different projects and to keep up with the developments at our […]