Pictures Peruvian Festivals: Qoylloryti Pabluchas and Dancers Walking to Qoyllur Rit´iMany of the people that attend the pilgrimage are foreigners. They take with them the memory of the dances, company, and landscape that with each moment is more memorable. Lord of the Star SnowPilgrimage to the Shrine of Lord Quyllur R´itiPilgrimage to Lord Quyllur R´itiLord of Qoyllur Rit´i with PrayersLord of Qoyllur Rit´i during the PilgrimagePilgrimage of Lord Qoyllur Rit´iCrowd around Lord of Qoyllur Rit´iPabluchas with Flags of TawantinsuyoFestival of Qoyllur Rit´IPabluchas and Dancers Walking to Qoyllur Rit´iBelievers Carrying Ice BlocksPrayers in the Church, Lord of Qoyllur Rit´iPeople around Lord Qoyllur Rit´iTravelling, Lord of Qoyllur Rit´i add chat to your website