Book before March 31, 2025 and get 10% discount

Start Learning Spanish now!

  • This is the perfect moment to speed up your Spanish skills!
  • Do you want to become fluent quickly? Start now!
  • Learn Spanish quickly thanks to direct interaction in live sessions
  • Delve into the Latin culture with a native Spanish-speaking tutor
  • Great option for kids and teens too thanks to games, songs and more
  • Fun and affordable; the Peruvian teachers are happy to welcome you!
  • Choose between individual, small groups or special conversation course
Yes, please contact me to set up my free trial Online Spanish class
Amauta Spanish School, Our Spanish students


Hola, me llamo Monique! I started with the Spanish lessons to remember the Spanish language I studied at school. But this was a complete boost for my Spanish skills! The teachers taught me not only vocabulary but also new sentence constructions and fluency, and totally took my Spanish to a new higher level.

Testimonial Monique


AMAUTA has a wide selection of Online Spanish courses. I took an intensive course: two hours every day, during several weeks. The teachers are friendly and helpful. My Spanish grammar and my speaking skills improved a lot. During class, I learnt a lot about Latin American culture. I'm looking forward to my trip to Peru in 2025!

Testimonial Mimi


I am currently following Spanish lessons online. I have had 1 week of classes so far and it is amazing! I love the personal attention that you get from a private tutor and the class was fun and casual. I love the interactive part of the teaching methods, for example, by games to learn the verbs, and a lot of listening assignments. My Spanish has improved a lot thanks to AMAUTA.

Testimonial Valquiria


Good teachers who are patient (very important) and speak Spanish clearly. It's so amazing to see all the opportunities I have now that I speak Spanish! My world has really opened because of my online Spanish lesson classes! I choose individual lessons but there are group lessons too! Highly recommended! If you have your doubts about online learning, just try to free trial lesson!

Testimonial Jason


I had five weeks of Spanish classes. When I started, I could not say a single word in Spanish. Now, I can have a conversation without any problem. And moreover, I am more than motivated to learn more! And the teachers did not only teach Spanish but also how to love the Spanish language and the Peruvian culture.

Testimonial Deborah

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Spanish Classes Skype

Why Study Spanish with a private tutor online?

  • Online classes can be adapted to your specific interests or needs.
  • Great preparation for travel, work or studies
  • We use Zoom, Skype or Google Hangout; easy platforms to use and free!
  • You only need a device (computer or mobile), WIFI and a headset
  • Keep your mind active and sharp.

Book Spanish classes Now

  • 10% discount if you book before March 31, 2025
  • Free trial and placement test!
  • More hours? More discount!
  • Become fluent with our superintensive course!
  • Pay by Paypal, credit card, Western Union or bank.

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